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polly::Scop Class Referencefinal

Static Control Part. More...

#include <ScopInfo.h>


struct  ScopStatistics

Public Types

using MinMaxAccessTy = std::pair< isl::pw_multi_aff, isl::pw_multi_aff >
 Type to represent a pair of minimal/maximal access to an array.
using MinMaxVectorTy = SmallVector< MinMaxAccessTy, 4 >
 Vector of minimal/maximal accesses to different arrays.
using MinMaxVectorPairTy = std::pair< MinMaxVectorTy, MinMaxVectorTy >
 Pair of minimal/maximal access vectors representing read write and read only accesses.
using MinMaxVectorPairVectorTy = SmallVector< MinMaxVectorPairTy, 4 >
 Vector of pair of minimal/maximal access vectors representing non read only and read only accesses for each alias group.

Private Types

using StmtSet = std::list< ScopStmt >
using ArrayInfoMapTy = std::map< std::pair< AssertingVH< const Value >, MemoryKind >, std::unique_ptr< ScopArrayInfo > >
using ArrayNameMapTy = StringMap< std::unique_ptr< ScopArrayInfo > >
using ArrayInfoSetTy = SetVector< ScopArrayInfo * >

Private Member Functions

 Scop (Region &R, ScalarEvolution &SE, LoopInfo &LI, DominatorTree &DT, ScopDetection::DetectionContext &DC, OptimizationRemarkEmitter &ORE, int ID)
 Scop constructor; invoked from ScopBuilder::buildScop.
MemoryAccesslookupBasePtrAccess (MemoryAccess *MA)
 Return the access for the base ptr of MA if any.
void createParameterId (const SCEV *Param)
 Create an id for Param and store it in the ParameterIds map.
void buildContext ()
 Build the Context of the Scop.
void addParameterBounds ()
 Add the bounds of the parameters to the context.
void simplifyContexts ()
 Simplify the assumed and invalid context.
void addScopStmt (BasicBlock *BB, StringRef Name, Loop *SurroundingLoop, std::vector< Instruction * > Instructions)
 Create a new SCoP statement for BB.
void addScopStmt (Region *R, StringRef Name, Loop *SurroundingLoop, std::vector< Instruction * > EntryBlockInstructions)
 Create a new SCoP statement for R.
void removeFromStmtMap (ScopStmt &Stmt)
 Removes Stmt from the StmtMap.
void removeStmtNotInDomainMap ()
 Removes all statements where the entry block of the statement does not have a corresponding domain in the domain map (or it is empty).
isl::union_map getAccessesOfType (std::function< bool(MemoryAccess &)> Predicate)
 Collect all memory access relations of a given type.

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< isl_ctxIslCtx
 Isl context.
ScalarEvolution * SE
DominatorTree * DT
Region & R
 The underlying Region.
std::optional< std::string > name
 The name of the SCoP (identical to the regions name)
AccFuncVector AccessFunctions
bool IsOptimized = false
 Flag to indicate that the scheduler actually optimized the SCoP.
bool HasSingleExitEdge
 True if the underlying region has a single exiting block.
bool HasErrorBlock = false
 Flag to remember if the SCoP contained an error block or not.
unsigned MaxLoopDepth = 0
 Max loop depth.
unsigned CopyStmtsNum = 0
 Number of copy statements.
StmtSet Stmts
 The statements in this Scop.
ParameterSetTy Parameters
 Parameters of this Scop.
DenseMap< const SCEV *, isl::idParameterIds
 Mapping from parameters to their ids.
 The context of the SCoP created during SCoP detection.
OptimizationRemarkEmitter & ORE
 OptimizationRemarkEmitter object for displaying diagnostic remarks.
DenseMap< BasicBlock *, std::vector< ScopStmt * > > StmtMap
 A map from basic blocks to vector of SCoP statements.
DenseMap< Instruction *, ScopStmt * > InstStmtMap
 A map from instructions to SCoP statements.
DenseMap< BasicBlock *, isl::setDomainMap
 A map from basic blocks to their domains.
isl::set Context
 Constraints on parameters.
SCEVAffinator Affinator
 The affinator used to translate SCEVs to isl expressions.
ArrayInfoMapTy ScopArrayInfoMap
 A map to remember ScopArrayInfo objects for all base pointers.
ArrayNameMapTy ScopArrayNameMap
 A map to remember ScopArrayInfo objects for all names of memory references.
ArrayInfoSetTy ScopArrayInfoSet
 A set to remember ScopArrayInfo objects.
isl::set AssumedContext
 The assumptions under which this scop was built.
isl::set InvalidContext
 The restrictions under which this SCoP was built.
isl::set DefinedBehaviorContext
 The context under which the SCoP must have defined behavior.
isl::schedule Schedule
 The schedule of the SCoP.
bool HasDisableHeuristicsHint = false
 Is this Scop marked as not to be transformed by an optimization heuristic?
bool ScheduleModified = false
 Whether the schedule has been modified after derived from the CFG by ScopBuilder.
MinMaxVectorPairVectorTy MinMaxAliasGroups
 The set of minimal/maximal accesses for each alias group.
ValueToValueMap InvEquivClassVMap
 Mapping from invariant loads to the representing invariant load of their equivalence class.
InvariantEquivClassesTy InvariantEquivClasses
 List of invariant accesses.
long ArrayIdx = 0
 The smallest array index not yet assigned.
long StmtIdx = 0
 The smallest statement index not yet assigned.
const int ID
 A number that uniquely represents a Scop within its function.
DenseMap< Value *, MemoryAccess * > ValueDefAccs
 Map of values to the MemoryAccess that writes its definition.
DenseMap< PHINode *, MemoryAccess * > PHIReadAccs
 Map of values to the MemoryAccess that reads a PHI.
DenseMap< const ScopArrayInfo *, SmallVector< MemoryAccess *, 4 > > ValueUseAccs
 List of all uses (i.e.
DenseMap< const ScopArrayInfo *, SmallVector< MemoryAccess *, 4 > > PHIIncomingAccs
 List of all incoming values (write MemoryAccess) of a MemoryKind::PHI or MemoryKind::ExitPHI scalar.


class ScopBuilder

Helper functions for printing the Scop.

using array_iterator = ArrayInfoSetTy::iterator
using const_array_iterator = ArrayInfoSetTy::const_iterator
using array_range = iterator_range< ArrayInfoSetTy::iterator >
using const_array_range = iterator_range< ArrayInfoSetTy::const_iterator >
void printContext (raw_ostream &OS) const
void printArrayInfo (raw_ostream &OS) const
void printStatements (raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintInstructions) const
void printAliasAssumptions (raw_ostream &OS) const
 Scop (const Scop &)=delete
Scopoperator= (const Scop &)=delete
 ~Scop ()
unsigned getCopyStmtsNum ()
 Get the count of copy statements added to this Scop.
ScopStmtaddScopStmt (isl::map SourceRel, isl::map TargetRel, isl::set Domain)
 Create a new copy statement.
void addAccessFunction (MemoryAccess *Access)
 Add the access function to all MemoryAccess objects of the Scop created in this pass.
void addAccessData (MemoryAccess *Access)
 Add metadata for Access.
void addInvariantEquivClass (const InvariantEquivClassTy &InvariantEquivClass)
 Add new invariant access equivalence class.
void addInvariantLoadMapping (const Value *LoadInst, Value *ClassRep)
 Add mapping from invariant loads to the representing invariant load of their equivalence class.
void removeAccessData (MemoryAccess *Access)
 Remove the metadata stored for Access.
ScalarEvolution * getSE () const
 Return the scalar evolution.
DominatorTree * getDT () const
 Return the dominator tree.
LoopInfo * getLI () const
 Return the LoopInfo used for this Scop.
size_t getNumParams () const
 Get the count of parameters used in this Scop.
bool isParam (const SCEV *Param) const
 Return whether given SCEV is used as the parameter in this Scop.
void addParams (const ParameterSetTy &NewParameters)
 Take a list of parameters and add the new ones to the scop.
iterator_range< ParameterSetTy::iterator > parameters () const
 Return an iterator range containing the scop parameters.
iterator_range< InvariantEquivClassesTy::iterator > invariantEquivClasses ()
 Return an iterator range containing invariant accesses.
iterator_range< AccFuncVector::iterator > access_functions ()
 Return an iterator range containing all the MemoryAccess objects of the Scop.
bool isEmpty () const
 Return whether this scop is empty, i.e.
StringRef getName ()
array_iterator array_begin ()
array_iterator array_end ()
const_array_iterator array_begin () const
const_array_iterator array_end () const
array_range arrays ()
const_array_range arrays () const
isl::id getIdForParam (const SCEV *Parameter) const
 Return the isl_id that represents a certain parameter.
const Region & getRegion () const
 Get the maximum region of this static control part.
Region & getRegion ()
Function & getFunction () const
 Return the function this SCoP is in.
bool contains (const Loop *L) const
 Check if L is contained in the SCoP.
bool contains (const BasicBlock *BB) const
 Check if BB is contained in the SCoP.
bool contains (const Instruction *I) const
 Check if I is contained in the SCoP.
BasicBlock * getExit () const
 Return the unique exit block of the SCoP.
BasicBlock * getExitingBlock () const
 Return the unique exiting block of the SCoP if any.
BasicBlock * getEntry () const
 Return the unique entry block of the SCoP.
BasicBlock * getEnteringBlock () const
 Return the unique entering block of the SCoP if any.
bool isExit (BasicBlock *BB) const
 Return true if BB is the exit block of the SCoP.
Region::block_range blocks () const
 Return a range of all basic blocks in the SCoP.
bool isDominatedBy (const DominatorTree &DT, BasicBlock *BB) const
 Return true if and only if BB dominates the SCoP.
unsigned getMaxLoopDepth () const
 Get the maximum depth of the loop.
InvariantEquivClassTylookupInvariantEquivClass (Value *Val)
 Return the invariant equivalence class for Val if any.
InvariantEquivClassesTygetInvariantAccesses ()
 Return the set of invariant accesses.
bool hasInvariantAccesses ()
 Check if the scop has any invariant access.
void markAsOptimized ()
 Mark the SCoP as optimized by the scheduler.
bool isOptimized () const
 Check if the SCoP has been optimized by the scheduler.
int getID () const
 Return the ID of the Scop.
std::pair< std::string, std::string > getEntryExitStr () const
 Get the name of the entry and exit blocks of this Scop.
std::string getNameStr () const
 Get the name of this Scop.
isl::set getContext () const
 Get the constraint on parameter of this Scop.
isl::set getDefinedBehaviorContext () const
 Return the context where execution behavior is defined.
isl::set getBestKnownDefinedBehaviorContext () const
 Return the define behavior context, or if not available, its approximation from all other contexts.
isl::space getParamSpace () const
 Return space of isl context parameters.
isl::space getFullParamSpace () const
 Return the full space of parameters.
isl::set getAssumedContext () const
 Get the assumed context for this Scop.
bool hasFeasibleRuntimeContext () const
 Return true if the optimized SCoP can be executed.
bool isEffectiveAssumption (isl::set Set, AssumptionSign Sign)
 Check if the assumption in Set is trivial or not.
bool trackAssumption (AssumptionKind Kind, isl::set Set, DebugLoc Loc, AssumptionSign Sign, BasicBlock *BB)
 Track and report an assumption.
void intersectDefinedBehavior (isl::set Set, AssumptionSign Sign)
 Add the conditions from Set (or subtract them if Sign is AS_RESTRICTION) to the defined behaviour context.
void addAssumption (AssumptionKind Kind, isl::set Set, DebugLoc Loc, AssumptionSign Sign, BasicBlock *BB, bool RTC=true)
 Add assumptions to assumed context.
void invalidate (AssumptionKind Kind, DebugLoc Loc, BasicBlock *BB=nullptr)
 Mark the scop as invalid.
isl::set getInvalidContext () const
 Get the invalid context for this Scop.
bool hasTrivialInvalidContext () const
 Return true if and only if the InvalidContext is trivial (=empty).
const MinMaxVectorPairVectorTygetAliasGroups () const
 Return all alias groups for this SCoP.
void addAliasGroup (MinMaxVectorTy &MinMaxAccessesReadWrite, MinMaxVectorTy &MinMaxAccessesReadOnly)
void removeStmts (function_ref< bool(ScopStmt &)> ShouldDelete, bool AfterHoisting=true)
 Remove statements from the list of scop statements.
std::string getContextStr () const
 Get an isl string representing the context.
std::string getAssumedContextStr () const
 Get an isl string representing the assumed context.
std::string getInvalidContextStr () const
 Get an isl string representing the invalid context.
ArrayRef< ScopStmt * > getStmtListFor (BasicBlock *BB) const
 Return the list of ScopStmts that represent the given BB.
ScopStmtgetIncomingStmtFor (const Use &U) const
 Get the statement to put a PHI WRITE into.
ScopStmtgetLastStmtFor (BasicBlock *BB) const
 Return the last statement representing BB.
ArrayRef< ScopStmt * > getStmtListFor (Region *R) const
 Return the ScopStmts that represents the Region R, or nullptr if it is not represented by any statement in this Scop.
ArrayRef< ScopStmt * > getStmtListFor (RegionNode *RN) const
 Return the ScopStmts that represents RN; can return nullptr if the RegionNode is not within the SCoP or has been removed due to simplifications.
ScopStmtgetStmtFor (Instruction *Inst) const
 Return the ScopStmt an instruction belongs to, or nullptr if it does not belong to any statement in this Scop.
size_t getSize () const
 Return the number of statements in the SCoP.
static void incrementNumberOfAliasingAssumptions (unsigned Step)
 Increment actual number of aliasing assumptions taken.

Statements Iterators

These iterators iterate over all statements of this Scop.

using iterator = StmtSet::iterator
using const_iterator = StmtSet::const_iterator
using reverse_iterator = StmtSet::reverse_iterator
using const_reverse_iterator = StmtSet::const_reverse_iterator
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
reverse_iterator rend ()
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
const InvariantLoadsSetTygetRequiredInvariantLoads () const
 Return the set of required invariant loads.
void addRequiredInvariantLoad (LoadInst *LI)
 Add LI to the set of required invariant loads.
const BoxedLoopsSetTygetBoxedLoops () const
 Return the set of boxed (thus overapproximated) loops.
bool isNonAffineSubRegion (const Region *R)
 Return true if and only if R is a non-affine subregion.
const MapInsnToMemAccgetInsnToMemAccMap () const
ScopArrayInfogetOrCreateScopArrayInfo (Value *BasePtr, Type *ElementType, ArrayRef< const SCEV * > Sizes, MemoryKind Kind, const char *BaseName=nullptr)
 Return the (possibly new) ScopArrayInfo object for Access.
ScopArrayInfocreateScopArrayInfo (Type *ElementType, const std::string &BaseName, const std::vector< unsigned > &Sizes)
 Create an array and return the corresponding ScopArrayInfo object.
ScopArrayInfogetScopArrayInfoOrNull (Value *BasePtr, MemoryKind Kind)
 Return the cached ScopArrayInfo object for BasePtr.
ScopArrayInfogetScopArrayInfo (Value *BasePtr, MemoryKind Kind)
 Return the cached ScopArrayInfo object for BasePtr.
void invalidateScopArrayInfo (Value *BasePtr, MemoryKind Kind)
 Invalidate ScopArrayInfo object for base address.
void setContext (isl::set NewContext)
 Set new isl context.
void updateMaxLoopDepth (unsigned Depth)
 Update maximal loop depth.
void realignParams ()
 Align the parameters in the statement to the scop context.
bool isProfitable (bool ScalarsAreUnprofitable) const
 Return true if this SCoP can be profitably optimized.
bool hasErrorBlock () const
 Return true if the SCoP contained at least one error block.
void notifyErrorBlock ()
 Notify SCoP that it contains an error block.
bool hasSingleExitEdge () const
 Return true if the underlying region has a single exiting block.
void print (raw_ostream &OS, bool PrintInstructions) const
 Print the static control part.
void dump () const
 Print the ScopStmt to stderr.
isl::ctx getIslCtx () const
 Get the isl context of this static control part.
const std::shared_ptr< isl_ctx > & getSharedIslCtx () const
 Directly return the shared_ptr of the context.
PWACtx getPwAff (const SCEV *E, BasicBlock *BB=nullptr, bool NonNegative=false, RecordedAssumptionsTy *RecordedAssumptions=nullptr)
 Compute the isl representation for the SCEV E.
isl::pw_aff getPwAffOnly (const SCEV *E, BasicBlock *BB=nullptr, RecordedAssumptionsTy *RecordedAssumptions=nullptr)
 Compute the isl representation for the SCEV E.
bool hasNSWAddRecForLoop (Loop *L)
 Check if an <nsw> AddRec for the loop L is cached.
isl::set getDomainConditions (const ScopStmt *Stmt) const
 Return the domain of Stmt.
isl::set getDomainConditions (BasicBlock *BB) const
 Return the domain of BB.
isl::setgetOrInitEmptyDomain (BasicBlock *BB)
 Return the domain of BB. If it does not exist, create an empty one.
bool isDomainDefined (BasicBlock *BB) const
 Check if domain is determined for BB.
void setDomain (BasicBlock *BB, isl::set &Domain)
 Set domain for BB.
isl::union_set getDomains () const
 Get a union set containing the iteration domains of all statements.
isl::union_map getMayWrites ()
 Get a union map of all may-writes performed in the SCoP.
isl::union_map getMustWrites ()
 Get a union map of all must-writes performed in the SCoP.
isl::union_map getWrites ()
 Get a union map of all writes performed in the SCoP.
isl::union_map getReads ()
 Get a union map of all reads performed in the SCoP.
isl::union_map getAccesses ()
 Get a union map of all memory accesses performed in the SCoP.
isl::union_map getAccesses (ScopArrayInfo *Array)
 Get a union map of all memory accesses performed in the SCoP.
isl::union_map getSchedule () const
 Get the schedule of all the statements in the SCoP.
isl::schedule getScheduleTree () const
 Get a schedule tree describing the schedule of all statements.
void setSchedule (isl::union_map NewSchedule)
 Update the current schedule.
void setScheduleTree (isl::schedule NewSchedule)
 Update the current schedule.
bool isOriginalSchedule () const
 Whether the schedule is the original schedule as derived from the CFG by ScopBuilder.
bool restrictDomains (isl::union_set Domain)
 Intersects the domains of all statements in the SCoP.
int getRelativeLoopDepth (const Loop *L) const
 Get the depth of a loop relative to the outermost loop in the Scop.
ScopArrayInfogetArrayInfoByName (const std::string BaseName)
 Find the ScopArrayInfo associated with an isl Id that has name Name.
void simplifySCoP (bool AfterHoisting)
 Simplify the SCoP representation.
long getNextArrayIdx ()
 Get the next free array index.
long getNextStmtIdx ()
 Get the next free statement index.
const SCEV * getRepresentingInvariantLoadSCEV (const SCEV *S) const
 Get the representing SCEV for S if applicable, otherwise S.
MemoryAccessgetValueDef (const ScopArrayInfo *SAI) const
 Return the MemoryAccess that writes an llvm::Value, represented by a ScopArrayInfo.
ArrayRef< MemoryAccess * > getValueUses (const ScopArrayInfo *SAI) const
 Return all MemoryAccesses that us an llvm::Value, represented by a ScopArrayInfo.
MemoryAccessgetPHIRead (const ScopArrayInfo *SAI) const
 Return the MemoryAccess that represents an llvm::PHINode.
ArrayRef< MemoryAccess * > getPHIIncomings (const ScopArrayInfo *SAI) const
 Return all MemoryAccesses for all incoming statements of a PHINode, represented by a ScopArrayInfo.
bool isEscaping (Instruction *Inst)
 Return whether Inst has a use outside of this SCoP.
ScopStatistics getStatistics () const
 Collect statistic about this SCoP.
bool hasDisableHeuristicsHint () const
 Is this Scop marked as not to be transformed by an optimization heuristic? In this case, only user-directed transformations are allowed.
void markDisableHeuristics ()
 Mark this Scop to not apply an optimization heuristic.

Detailed Description

Static Control Part.

A Scop is the polyhedral representation of a control flow region detected by the Scop detection. It is generated by translating the LLVM-IR and abstracting its effects.

A Scop consists of a set of:

Definition at line 1630 of file ScopInfo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ array_iterator

using polly::Scop::array_iterator = ArrayInfoSetTy::iterator

Definition at line 2053 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ array_range

using polly::Scop::array_range = iterator_range<ArrayInfoSetTy::iterator>

Definition at line 2055 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ ArrayInfoMapTy

using polly::Scop::ArrayInfoMapTy = std::map<std::pair<AssertingVH<const Value>, MemoryKind>, std::unique_ptr<ScopArrayInfo> >

Definition at line 1722 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ ArrayInfoSetTy

using polly::Scop::ArrayInfoSetTy = SetVector<ScopArrayInfo *>

Definition at line 1728 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ ArrayNameMapTy

using polly::Scop::ArrayNameMapTy = StringMap<std::unique_ptr<ScopArrayInfo> >

Definition at line 1726 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ const_array_iterator

using polly::Scop::const_array_iterator = ArrayInfoSetTy::const_iterator

Definition at line 2054 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ const_array_range

using polly::Scop::const_array_range = iterator_range<ArrayInfoSetTy::const_iterator>

Definition at line 2056 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ const_iterator

using polly::Scop::const_iterator = StmtSet::const_iterator

Definition at line 2350 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ const_reverse_iterator

using polly::Scop::const_reverse_iterator = StmtSet::const_reverse_iterator

Definition at line 2358 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ iterator

using polly::Scop::iterator = StmtSet::iterator

Definition at line 2349 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ MinMaxAccessTy

Type to represent a pair of minimal/maximal access to an array.

Definition at line 1633 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ MinMaxVectorPairTy

Pair of minimal/maximal access vectors representing read write and read only accesses.

Definition at line 1640 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ MinMaxVectorPairVectorTy

Vector of pair of minimal/maximal access vectors representing non read only and read only accesses for each alias group.

Definition at line 1644 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ MinMaxVectorTy

Vector of minimal/maximal accesses to different arrays.

Definition at line 1636 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ reverse_iterator

using polly::Scop::reverse_iterator = StmtSet::reverse_iterator

Definition at line 2357 of file ScopInfo.h.

◆ StmtSet

using polly::Scop::StmtSet = std::list<ScopStmt>

Definition at line 1689 of file ScopInfo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Scop() [1/2]

Scop::Scop ( Region &  R,
ScalarEvolution &  SE,
LoopInfo &  LI,
DominatorTree &  DT,
ScopDetection::DetectionContext DC,
OptimizationRemarkEmitter &  ORE,
int  ID 

◆ Scop() [2/2]

polly::Scop::Scop ( const Scop )

◆ ~Scop()

Scop::~Scop ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ access_functions()

iterator_range< AccFuncVector::iterator > polly::Scop::access_functions ( )

Return an iterator range containing all the MemoryAccess objects of the Scop.

Definition at line 2039 of file ScopInfo.h.

References AccessFunctions.

◆ addAccessData()

void Scop::addAccessData ( MemoryAccess Access)

◆ addAccessFunction()

void polly::Scop::addAccessFunction ( MemoryAccess Access)

◆ addAliasGroup()

void polly::Scop::addAliasGroup ( MinMaxVectorTy MinMaxAccessesReadWrite,
MinMaxVectorTy MinMaxAccessesReadOnly 

Definition at line 2283 of file ScopInfo.h.

References MinMaxAliasGroups.

◆ addAssumption()

void Scop::addAssumption ( AssumptionKind  Kind,
isl::set  Set,
DebugLoc  Loc,
AssumptionSign  Sign,
BasicBlock *  BB,
bool  RTC = true 

Add assumptions to assumed context.

The assumptions added will be assumed to hold during the execution of the scop. However, as they are generally not statically provable, at code generation time run-time checks will be generated that ensure the assumptions hold.

WARNING: We currently exploit in simplifyAssumedContext the knowledge that assumptions do not change the set of statement instances executed.

KindThe assumption kind describing the underlying cause.
SetThe relations between parameters that are assumed to hold.
LocThe location in the source that caused this assumption.
SignEnum to indicate if the assumptions in Set are positive (needed/assumptions) or negative (invalid/restrictions).
BBThe block in which this assumption was taken. Used to calculate hotness when emitting remark.
RTCDoes the assumption require a runtime check?

Definition at line 2012 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::AS_ASSUMPTION, AssumedContext, isl::set::coalesce(), getContext(), isl::set::gist_params(), isl::set::intersect(), intersectDefinedBehavior(), InvalidContext, trackAssumption(), and isl::set::unite().

Referenced by invalidate().

◆ addInvariantEquivClass()

void polly::Scop::addInvariantEquivClass ( const InvariantEquivClassTy InvariantEquivClass)

Add new invariant access equivalence class.

Definition at line 1993 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InvariantEquivClasses.

◆ addInvariantLoadMapping()

void polly::Scop::addInvariantLoadMapping ( const Value *  LoadInst,
Value *  ClassRep 

Add mapping from invariant loads to the representing invariant load of their equivalence class.

Definition at line 1999 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InvEquivClassVMap.

◆ addParameterBounds()

void Scop::addParameterBounds ( )

Add the bounds of the parameters to the context.

Definition at line 1506 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References addRangeBoundsToSet(), polly::AS_ASSUMPTION, Context, intersectDefinedBehavior(), isl::param, Parameters, and SE.

Referenced by realignParams().

◆ addParams()

void Scop::addParams ( const ParameterSetTy NewParameters)

Take a list of parameters and add the new ones to the scop.

Definition at line 1477 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References createParameterId(), polly::extractConstantFactor(), getRepresentingInvariantLoadSCEV(), Parameters, and SE.

◆ addRequiredInvariantLoad()

void polly::Scop::addRequiredInvariantLoad ( LoadInst *  LI)

Add LI to the set of required invariant loads.

Definition at line 2372 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DC, and polly::ScopDetection::DetectionContext::RequiredILS.

◆ addScopStmt() [1/3]

void Scop::addScopStmt ( BasicBlock *  BB,
StringRef  Name,
Loop *  SurroundingLoop,
std::vector< Instruction * >  Instructions 

Create a new SCoP statement for BB.

A new statement for BB will be created and added to the statement vector and map.

BBThe basic block we build the statement for.
NameThe name of the new statement.
SurroundingLoopThe loop the created statement is contained in.
InstructionsThe instructions in the statement.

Definition at line 2302 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, InstStmtMap, StmtMap, and Stmts.

◆ addScopStmt() [2/3]

ScopStmt * Scop::addScopStmt ( isl::map  SourceRel,
isl::map  TargetRel,
isl::set  Domain 

Create a new copy statement.

A new statement will be created and added to the statement vector.

SourceRelThe source location.
TargetRelThe target location.
DomainThe original domain under which the copy statement would be executed.

Definition at line 2339 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, CopyStmtsNum, Domain, isl::map::domain(), and Stmts.

◆ addScopStmt() [3/3]

void Scop::addScopStmt ( Region *  R,
StringRef  Name,
Loop *  SurroundingLoop,
std::vector< Instruction * >  EntryBlockInstructions 

Create a new SCoP statement for R.

A new statement for R will be created and added to the statement vector and map.

RThe region we build the statement for.
NameThe name of the new statement.
SurroundingLoopThe loop the created statement is contained in.
EntryBlockInstructionsThe (interesting) instructions in the entry block of the region statement.

Definition at line 2315 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, InstStmtMap, R, StmtMap, and Stmts.

◆ array_begin() [1/2]

array_iterator polly::Scop::array_begin ( )

Definition at line 2058 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ScopArrayInfoSet.

Referenced by arrays().

◆ array_begin() [2/2]

const_array_iterator polly::Scop::array_begin ( ) const

Definition at line 2062 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ScopArrayInfoSet.

◆ array_end() [1/2]

array_iterator polly::Scop::array_end ( )

Definition at line 2060 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ScopArrayInfoSet.

Referenced by arrays().

◆ array_end() [2/2]

const_array_iterator polly::Scop::array_end ( ) const

Definition at line 2066 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ScopArrayInfoSet.

◆ arrays() [1/2]

array_range polly::Scop::arrays ( )

Definition at line 2070 of file ScopInfo.h.

References array_begin(), and array_end().

Referenced by getArrayInfoByName(), and printArrayInfo().

◆ arrays() [2/2]

const_array_range polly::Scop::arrays ( ) const

Definition at line 2074 of file ScopInfo.h.

References array_begin(), and array_end().

◆ begin() [1/2]

iterator polly::Scop::begin ( )

Definition at line 2352 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ begin() [2/2]

const_iterator polly::Scop::begin ( ) const

Definition at line 2354 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ blocks()

Region::block_range polly::Scop::blocks ( ) const

Return a range of all basic blocks in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2119 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

◆ buildContext()

void Scop::buildContext ( )

Build the Context of the Scop.

Definition at line 1498 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References AssumedContext, Context, DefinedBehaviorContext, isl::set::empty(), getIslCtx(), InvalidContext, isl::space::params_alloc(), and isl::set::universe().

Referenced by Scop().

◆ contains() [1/3]

bool polly::Scop::contains ( const BasicBlock *  BB) const

Check if BB is contained in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2098 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

◆ contains() [2/3]

bool polly::Scop::contains ( const Instruction *  I) const

Check if I is contained in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2101 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

◆ contains() [3/3]

bool polly::Scop::contains ( const Loop *  L) const

Check if L is contained in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2095 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

Referenced by polly::addReferencesFromStmt(), and isEscaping().

◆ createParameterId()

void Scop::createParameterId ( const SCEV *  Param)

Create an id for Param and store it in the ParameterIds map.

Definition at line 1444 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isl::id::alloc(), assert, polly::getIslCompatibleName(), getIslCtx(), getNumParams(), ParameterIds, Parameters, polly::UseInstructionNames, and polly::Value.

Referenced by addParams().

◆ createScopArrayInfo()

ScopArrayInfo * Scop::createScopArrayInfo ( Type *  ElementType,
const std::string &  BaseName,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  Sizes 

Create an array and return the corresponding ScopArrayInfo object.

ElementTypeThe type of the elements stored in this array.
BaseNameThe name of this memory reference.
SizesThe sizes of dimensions.

Definition at line 1768 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::Array, polly::getConstant(), getContext(), getOrCreateScopArrayInfo(), getSE(), and size.

◆ dump()

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void Scop::dump ( ) const

Print the ScopStmt to stderr.

Definition at line 2168 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References print().

◆ end() [1/2]

iterator polly::Scop::end ( )

Definition at line 2353 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ end() [2/2]

const_iterator polly::Scop::end ( ) const

Definition at line 2355 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ getAccesses() [1/2]

isl::union_map Scop::getAccesses ( )

Get a union map of all memory accesses performed in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2249 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getAccessesOfType().

◆ getAccesses() [2/2]

isl::union_map Scop::getAccesses ( ScopArrayInfo Array)

Get a union map of all memory accesses performed in the SCoP.

ArrayThe array to which the accesses should belong.

Definition at line 2253 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::Array, getAccessesOfType(), and polly::MemoryAccess::getScopArrayInfo().

◆ getAccessesOfType()

isl::union_map Scop::getAccessesOfType ( std::function< bool(MemoryAccess &)>  Predicate)

Collect all memory access relations of a given type.

PredicateA predicate function that returns true if an access is of a given type.
The set of memory accesses in the scop that match the predicate.

Definition at line 2215 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isl::union_map::coalesce(), Domain, isl::union_map::empty(), getIslCtx(), isl::map::intersect_domain(), and isl::union_map::unite().

Referenced by getAccesses(), getMayWrites(), getMustWrites(), getReads(), and getWrites().

◆ getAliasGroups()

const MinMaxVectorPairVectorTy & polly::Scop::getAliasGroups ( ) const

Return all alias groups for this SCoP.

Definition at line 2279 of file ScopInfo.h.

References MinMaxAliasGroups.

Referenced by benefitsFromPolly().

◆ getArrayInfoByName()

ScopArrayInfo * Scop::getArrayInfoByName ( const std::string  BaseName)

Find the ScopArrayInfo associated with an isl Id that has name Name.

Definition at line 2409 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References arrays().

◆ getAssumedContext()

isl::set Scop::getAssumedContext ( ) const

Get the assumed context for this Scop.

The assumed context of this Scop.

Definition at line 1847 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, AssumedContext, and isl::set::is_null().

Referenced by hasFeasibleRuntimeContext().

◆ getAssumedContextStr()

std::string Scop::getAssumedContextStr ( ) const

Get an isl string representing the assumed context.

Definition at line 1800 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, AssumedContext, and isl::set::is_null().

◆ getBestKnownDefinedBehaviorContext()

isl::set polly::Scop::getBestKnownDefinedBehaviorContext ( ) const

Return the define behavior context, or if not available, its approximation from all other contexts.

Definition at line 2171 of file ScopInfo.h.

References AssumedContext, Context, DefinedBehaviorContext, isl::set::intersect_params(), InvalidContext, isl::set::is_null(), and isl::set::subtract().

Referenced by polly::MemoryAccess::setNewAccessRelation().

◆ getBoxedLoops()

const BoxedLoopsSetTy & polly::Scop::getBoxedLoops ( ) const

Return the set of boxed (thus overapproximated) loops.

Definition at line 2375 of file ScopInfo.h.

References polly::ScopDetection::DetectionContext::BoxedLoopsSet, and DC.

Referenced by getStatistics().

◆ getContext()

isl::set Scop::getContext ( ) const

◆ getContextStr()

std::string Scop::getContextStr ( ) const

Get an isl string representing the context.

Definition at line 1796 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getContext().

◆ getCopyStmtsNum()

unsigned polly::Scop::getCopyStmtsNum ( )

Get the count of copy statements added to this Scop.

The count of copy statements added to this Scop.

Definition at line 1957 of file ScopInfo.h.

References CopyStmtsNum.

Referenced by polly::ScopStmt::ScopStmt().

◆ getDefinedBehaviorContext()

isl::set polly::Scop::getDefinedBehaviorContext ( ) const

Return the context where execution behavior is defined.

Might return nullptr.

Definition at line 2167 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DefinedBehaviorContext.

◆ getDomainConditions() [1/2]

isl::set Scop::getDomainConditions ( BasicBlock *  BB) const

Return the domain of BB.

BBThe block for which the conditions should be returned.

Definition at line 1596 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References DomainMap, getDomainConditions(), and R.

◆ getDomainConditions() [2/2]

isl::set Scop::getDomainConditions ( const ScopStmt Stmt) const

Return the domain of Stmt.

StmtThe statement for which the conditions should be returned.

Definition at line 1592 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getDomainConditions(), and polly::ScopStmt::getEntryBlock().

Referenced by getDomainConditions().

◆ getDomains()

isl::union_set Scop::getDomains ( ) const

Get a union set containing the iteration domains of all statements.

Definition at line 2198 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References Domain, polly::ScopStmt::getDomain(), getIslCtx(), isl_space_params_alloc(), isl_union_set_add_set(), isl_union_set_empty(), isl::manage(), and isl::set::release().

Referenced by getScheduleTree(), hasFeasibleRuntimeContext(), and setSchedule().

◆ getDT()

DominatorTree * polly::Scop::getDT ( ) const

Return the dominator tree.

Definition at line 2010 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DT.

◆ getEnteringBlock()

BasicBlock * polly::Scop::getEnteringBlock ( ) const

Return the unique entering block of the SCoP if any.

Definition at line 2113 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

◆ getEntry()

BasicBlock * polly::Scop::getEntry ( ) const

Return the unique entry block of the SCoP.

Definition at line 2110 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

Referenced by isDominatedBy().

◆ getEntryExitStr()

std::pair< std::string, std::string > Scop::getEntryExitStr ( ) const

Get the name of the entry and exit blocks of this Scop.

These along with the function name can uniquely identify a Scop.

std::pair whose first element is the entry name & second element is the exit name.

Definition at line 1815 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References R.

Referenced by getNameStr().

◆ getExit()

BasicBlock * polly::Scop::getExit ( ) const

Return the unique exit block of the SCoP.

Definition at line 2104 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

Referenced by isExit().

◆ getExitingBlock()

BasicBlock * polly::Scop::getExitingBlock ( ) const

Return the unique exiting block of the SCoP if any.

Definition at line 2107 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

◆ getFullParamSpace()

isl::space Scop::getFullParamSpace ( ) const

Return the full space of parameters.

getParamSpace will only return the parameters of the context that are actually constrained, whereas getFullParamSpace will return all

Definition at line 1834 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getIdForParam(), getIslCtx(), isl::param, ParameterIds, Parameters, isl::space::params_alloc(), and isl::space::set_dim_id().

Referenced by realignParams().

◆ getFunction()

Function & polly::Scop::getFunction ( ) const

Return the function this SCoP is in.

Definition at line 2092 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Function, and R.

Referenced by getOrCreateScopArrayInfo(), and print().

◆ getID()

int polly::Scop::getID ( ) const

Return the ID of the Scop.

Definition at line 2147 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ID.

◆ getIdForParam()

isl::id Scop::getIdForParam ( const SCEV *  Parameter) const

Return the isl_id that represents a certain parameter.

ParameterA SCEV that was recognized as a Parameter.
The corresponding isl_id or NULL otherwise.

Definition at line 1488 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getRepresentingInvariantLoadSCEV(), and ParameterIds.

Referenced by getFullParamSpace().

◆ getIncomingStmtFor()

ScopStmt * Scop::getIncomingStmtFor ( const Use &  U) const

Get the statement to put a PHI WRITE into.

UThe operand of a PHINode.

Definition at line 2361 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getLastStmtFor(), getStmtFor(), and polly::PHI.

◆ getInsnToMemAccMap()

const MapInsnToMemAcc & polly::Scop::getInsnToMemAccMap ( ) const

Definition at line 2382 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DC, and polly::ScopDetection::DetectionContext::InsnToMemAcc.

◆ getInvalidContext()

isl::set Scop::getInvalidContext ( ) const

Get the invalid context for this Scop.

The invalid context of this Scop.

Definition at line 2056 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References InvalidContext.

Referenced by hasFeasibleRuntimeContext().

◆ getInvalidContextStr()

std::string Scop::getInvalidContextStr ( ) const

Get an isl string representing the invalid context.

Definition at line 1805 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References InvalidContext.

◆ getInvariantAccesses()

InvariantEquivClassesTy & polly::Scop::getInvariantAccesses ( )

Return the set of invariant accesses.

Definition at line 2133 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InvariantEquivClasses.

◆ getIslCtx()

isl::ctx Scop::getIslCtx ( ) const

Get the isl context of this static control part.

The isl context of this static control part.

Definition at line 2171 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References IslCtx.

Referenced by buildContext(), polly::IslNodeBuilder::createNewAccesses(), createParameterId(), getAccessesOfType(), getDomains(), getFullParamSpace(), polly::ScopStmt::getIslCtx(), getOrCreateScopArrayInfo(), polly::MemoryAccess::MemoryAccess(), and Scop().

◆ getLastStmtFor()

ScopStmt * Scop::getLastStmtFor ( BasicBlock *  BB) const

Return the last statement representing BB.

Of the sequence of statements that represent a BB, this is the last one to be executed. It is typically used to determine which instruction to add a MemoryKind::PHI WRITE to. For this purpose, it is not strictly required to be executed last, only that the incoming value is available in it.

Definition at line 2378 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getStmtListFor().

Referenced by getIncomingStmtFor().

◆ getLI()

LoopInfo * polly::Scop::getLI ( ) const

Return the LoopInfo used for this Scop.

Definition at line 2013 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Affinator, and polly::SCEVAffinator::getLI().

Referenced by findReferencesInStmt(), and getStatistics().

◆ getMaxLoopDepth()

unsigned polly::Scop::getMaxLoopDepth ( ) const

Get the maximum depth of the loop.

The maximum depth of the loop.

Definition at line 2127 of file ScopInfo.h.

References MaxLoopDepth.

Referenced by print().

◆ getMayWrites()

isl::union_map Scop::getMayWrites ( )

Get a union map of all may-writes performed in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2237 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getAccessesOfType(), and polly::MemoryAccess::isMayWrite().

◆ getMustWrites()

isl::union_map Scop::getMustWrites ( )

Get a union map of all must-writes performed in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2233 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getAccessesOfType(), and polly::MemoryAccess::isMustWrite().

◆ getName()

StringRef polly::Scop::getName ( )

Definition at line 2047 of file ScopInfo.h.

References name, and R.

◆ getNameStr()

std::string Scop::getNameStr ( ) const

Get the name of this Scop.

Definition at line 1809 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getEntryExitStr().

Referenced by print().

◆ getNextArrayIdx()

long polly::Scop::getNextArrayIdx ( )

Get the next free array index.

This function returns a unique index which can be used to identify an array.

Definition at line 2602 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ArrayIdx.

◆ getNextStmtIdx()

long polly::Scop::getNextStmtIdx ( )

Get the next free statement index.

This function returns a unique index which can be used to identify a statement.

Definition at line 2608 of file ScopInfo.h.

References StmtIdx.

◆ getNumParams()

size_t polly::Scop::getNumParams ( ) const

Get the count of parameters used in this Scop.

The count of parameters used in this Scop.

Definition at line 2018 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Parameters.

Referenced by createParameterId().

◆ getOrCreateScopArrayInfo()

ScopArrayInfo * Scop::getOrCreateScopArrayInfo ( Value *  BasePtr,
Type *  ElementType,
ArrayRef< const SCEV * >  Sizes,
MemoryKind  Kind,
const char *  BaseName = nullptr 

Return the (possibly new) ScopArrayInfo object for Access.

ElementTypeThe type of the elements stored in this array.
KindThe kind of the array info object.
BaseNameThe optional name of this memory reference.

Definition at line 1744 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, polly::DELINEARIZATION, getFunction(), getIslCtx(), invalidate(), ScopArrayInfoMap, ScopArrayInfoSet, and ScopArrayNameMap.

Referenced by createScopArrayInfo(), and polly::ScopStmt::ensureValueRead().

◆ getOrInitEmptyDomain()

isl::set & polly::Scop::getOrInitEmptyDomain ( BasicBlock *  BB)

Return the domain of BB. If it does not exist, create an empty one.

Definition at line 2520 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DomainMap.

◆ getParamSpace()

isl::space Scop::getParamSpace ( ) const

Return space of isl context parameters.

Returns the set of context parameters that are currently constrained. In case the full set of parameters is needed, see @getFullParamSpace.

Definition at line 1832 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isl::set::get_space(), and getContext().

Referenced by invalidate(), and simplifyContexts().

◆ getPHIIncomings()

ArrayRef< MemoryAccess * > Scop::getPHIIncomings ( const ScopArrayInfo SAI) const

Return all MemoryAccesses for all incoming statements of a PHINode, represented by a ScopArrayInfo.

Definition at line 2470 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, polly::ScopArrayInfo::isExitPHIKind(), polly::ScopArrayInfo::isPHIKind(), and PHIIncomingAccs.

◆ getPHIRead()

MemoryAccess * Scop::getPHIRead ( const ScopArrayInfo SAI) const

Return the MemoryAccess that represents an llvm::PHINode.

ExitPHIs's PHINode is not within the SCoPs. This function returns nullptr for them.

Definition at line 2460 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, polly::ScopArrayInfo::getBasePtr(), polly::ScopArrayInfo::isExitPHIKind(), polly::ScopArrayInfo::isPHIKind(), polly::PHI, and PHIReadAccs.

◆ getPwAff()

__isl_give PWACtx Scop::getPwAff ( const SCEV *  E,
BasicBlock *  BB = nullptr,
bool  NonNegative = false,
RecordedAssumptionsTy RecordedAssumptions = nullptr 

Compute the isl representation for the SCEV E.

EThe SCEV that should be translated.
BBAn (optional) basic block in which the isl_pw_aff is computed. SCEVs known to not reference any loops in the SCoP can be passed without a BB.
NonNegativeFlag to indicate the E has to be non-negative.

Note that this function will always return a valid isl_pw_aff. However, if the translation of E was deemed to complex the SCoP is invalidated and a dummy value of appropriate dimension is returned. This allows to bail for complex cases without "error handling code" needed on the users side.

Definition at line 2173 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References Affinator, polly::COMPLEXITY, polly::SCEVAffinator::getPwAff(), invalidate(), SE, and polly::SCEVAffinator::takeNonNegativeAssumption().

Referenced by getPwAffOnly().

◆ getPwAffOnly()

isl::pw_aff Scop::getPwAffOnly ( const SCEV *  E,
BasicBlock *  BB = nullptr,
RecordedAssumptionsTy RecordedAssumptions = nullptr 

Compute the isl representation for the SCEV E.

This function is like

See also
Scop::getPwAff() but strips away the invalid domain part associated with the piecewise affine function.

Definition at line 2208 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getPwAff().

◆ getReads()

isl::union_map Scop::getReads ( )

Get a union map of all reads performed in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2245 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getAccessesOfType(), and polly::MemoryAccess::isRead().

◆ getRegion() [1/2]

Region & polly::Scop::getRegion ( )

Definition at line 2089 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

◆ getRegion() [2/2]

const Region & polly::Scop::getRegion ( ) const

Get the maximum region of this static control part.

The maximum region of this static control part.

Definition at line 2088 of file ScopInfo.h.

References R.

Referenced by polly::ScopBuilder::collectSurroundingLoops(), and polly::IslNodeBuilder::createNewAccesses().

◆ getRelativeLoopDepth()

int Scop::getRelativeLoopDepth ( const Loop *  L) const

Get the depth of a loop relative to the outermost loop in the Scop.

This will return 0 if L is an outermost loop in the SCoP >0 for other loops in the SCoP -1 if L is nullptr or there is no outermost loop in the SCoP

Definition at line 2395 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, and R.

◆ getRepresentingInvariantLoadSCEV()

const SCEV * Scop::getRepresentingInvariantLoadSCEV ( const SCEV *  S) const

Get the representing SCEV for S if applicable, otherwise S.

Invariant loads of the same location are put in an equivalence class and only one of them is chosen as a representing element that will be modeled as a parameter. The others have to be normalized, i.e., replaced by the representing element of their equivalence class, in order to get the correct parameter value, e.g., in the SCEVAffinator.

SThe SCEV to normalize.
The representing SCEV for invariant loads or S if none.

Definition at line 1433 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References InvEquivClassVMap, and SE.

Referenced by addParams(), and getIdForParam().

◆ getRequiredInvariantLoads()

const InvariantLoadsSetTy & polly::Scop::getRequiredInvariantLoads ( ) const

Return the set of required invariant loads.

Definition at line 2367 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DC, and polly::ScopDetection::DetectionContext::RequiredILS.

◆ getSchedule()

isl::union_map Scop::getSchedule ( ) const

Get the schedule of all the statements in the SCoP.

The schedule of all the statements in the SCoP, if the schedule of the Scop does not contain extension nodes, and nullptr, otherwise.

Definition at line 2258 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getScheduleTree().

Referenced by polly::ScopStmt::getSchedule().

◆ getScheduleTree()

isl::schedule Scop::getScheduleTree ( ) const

Get a schedule tree describing the schedule of all statements.

Definition at line 2263 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getDomains(), isl::schedule::intersect_domain(), and Schedule.

Referenced by getSchedule().

◆ getScopArrayInfo()

ScopArrayInfo * Scop::getScopArrayInfo ( Value *  BasePtr,
MemoryKind  Kind 

Return the cached ScopArrayInfo object for BasePtr.

BasePtrThe base pointer the object has been stored for.
KindThe kind of array info object.
The ScopArrayInfo pointer (may assert if no such pointer is available).

Definition at line 1790 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, and getScopArrayInfoOrNull().

◆ getScopArrayInfoOrNull()

ScopArrayInfo * Scop::getScopArrayInfoOrNull ( Value *  BasePtr,
MemoryKind  Kind 

Return the cached ScopArrayInfo object for BasePtr.

BasePtrThe base pointer the object has been stored for.
KindThe kind of array info object.
The ScopArrayInfo pointer or NULL if no such pointer is available.

Definition at line 1785 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References ScopArrayInfoMap.

Referenced by getScopArrayInfo().

◆ getSE()

ScalarEvolution * Scop::getSE ( ) const

Return the scalar evolution.

Definition at line 2300 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References SE.

Referenced by polly::MemoryAccess::computeBoundsOnAccessRelation(), createScopArrayInfo(), and polly::IslNodeBuilder::createSubstitutions().

◆ getSharedIslCtx()

const std::shared_ptr< isl_ctx > & polly::Scop::getSharedIslCtx ( ) const

Directly return the shared_ptr of the context.

Definition at line 2480 of file ScopInfo.h.

References IslCtx.

Referenced by runIslAst().

◆ getSize()

size_t polly::Scop::getSize ( ) const

Return the number of statements in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2343 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ getStatistics()

Scop::ScopStatistics Scop::getStatistics ( ) const

◆ getStmtFor()

ScopStmt * polly::Scop::getStmtFor ( Instruction *  Inst) const

Return the ScopStmt an instruction belongs to, or nullptr if it does not belong to any statement in this Scop.

Definition at line 2338 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InstStmtMap.

Referenced by getIncomingStmtFor(), and lookupBasePtrAccess().

◆ getStmtListFor() [1/3]

ArrayRef< ScopStmt * > Scop::getStmtListFor ( BasicBlock *  BB) const

Return the list of ScopStmts that represent the given BB.

Definition at line 2354 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References StmtMap.

Referenced by getLastStmtFor(), and getStmtListFor().

◆ getStmtListFor() [2/3]

ArrayRef< ScopStmt * > Scop::getStmtListFor ( Region *  R) const

Return the ScopStmts that represents the Region R, or nullptr if it is not represented by any statement in this Scop.

Definition at line 2391 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getStmtListFor(), and R.

◆ getStmtListFor() [3/3]

ArrayRef< ScopStmt * > Scop::getStmtListFor ( RegionNode *  RN) const

Return the ScopStmts that represents RN; can return nullptr if the RegionNode is not within the SCoP or has been removed due to simplifications.

Definition at line 2385 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getStmtListFor().

◆ getValueDef()

MemoryAccess * Scop::getValueDef ( const ScopArrayInfo SAI) const

Return the MemoryAccess that writes an llvm::Value, represented by a ScopArrayInfo.

There can be at most one such MemoryAccess per llvm::Value in the SCoP. Zero is possible for read-only values.

Definition at line 2442 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, polly::ScopArrayInfo::getBasePtr(), polly::ScopArrayInfo::isValueKind(), and ValueDefAccs.

◆ getValueUses()

ArrayRef< MemoryAccess * > Scop::getValueUses ( const ScopArrayInfo SAI) const

Return all MemoryAccesses that us an llvm::Value, represented by a ScopArrayInfo.

Definition at line 2452 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, polly::ScopArrayInfo::isValueKind(), and ValueUseAccs.

◆ getWrites()

isl::union_map Scop::getWrites ( )

Get a union map of all writes performed in the SCoP.

Definition at line 2241 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getAccessesOfType(), and polly::MemoryAccess::isWrite().

◆ hasDisableHeuristicsHint()

bool polly::Scop::hasDisableHeuristicsHint ( ) const

Is this Scop marked as not to be transformed by an optimization heuristic? In this case, only user-directed transformations are allowed.

Definition at line 2668 of file ScopInfo.h.

References HasDisableHeuristicsHint.

◆ hasErrorBlock()

bool polly::Scop::hasErrorBlock ( ) const

Return true if the SCoP contained at least one error block.

Definition at line 2454 of file ScopInfo.h.

References HasErrorBlock.

◆ hasFeasibleRuntimeContext()

bool Scop::hasFeasibleRuntimeContext ( ) const

Return true if the optimized SCoP can be executed.

In addition to the runtime check context this will also utilize the domain constraints to decide it the optimized version can actually be executed.

True if the optimized SCoP can be executed.

Definition at line 1880 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References Context, getAssumedContext(), getDomains(), getInvalidContext(), isl::set::intersect_params(), isl::set::is_empty(), isl::boolean::is_false(), isl::set::is_subset(), params, and Stmts.

◆ hasInvariantAccesses()

bool polly::Scop::hasInvariantAccesses ( )

Check if the scop has any invariant access.

Definition at line 2138 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InvariantEquivClasses.

◆ hasNSWAddRecForLoop()

bool polly::Scop::hasNSWAddRecForLoop ( Loop *  L)

Check if an <nsw> AddRec for the loop L is cached.

Definition at line 2507 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Affinator, and polly::SCEVAffinator::hasNSWAddRecForLoop().

◆ hasSingleExitEdge()

bool polly::Scop::hasSingleExitEdge ( ) const

Return true if the underlying region has a single exiting block.

Definition at line 2460 of file ScopInfo.h.

References HasSingleExitEdge.

Referenced by isEscaping().

◆ hasTrivialInvalidContext()

bool polly::Scop::hasTrivialInvalidContext ( ) const

Return true if and only if the InvalidContext is trivial (=empty).

Definition at line 2276 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InvalidContext, and isl::set::is_empty().

◆ incrementNumberOfAliasingAssumptions()

void Scop::incrementNumberOfAliasingAssumptions ( unsigned  Step)

Increment actual number of aliasing assumptions taken.

StepNumber of new aliasing assumptions which should be added to the number of already taken assumptions.

Definition at line 2497 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

Referenced by polly::ScopBuilder::buildAliasChecks().

◆ intersectDefinedBehavior()

void Scop::intersectDefinedBehavior ( isl::set  Set,
AssumptionSign  Sign 

Add the conditions from Set (or subtract them if Sign is AS_RESTRICTION) to the defined behaviour context.

Definition at line 2031 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::AS_ASSUMPTION, DefinedBehaviorContext, isl::set::intersect(), isl::set::is_null(), MaxDisjunktsInDefinedBehaviourContext, isl::set::n_basic_set(), isl::size::release(), simplify, and isl::set::subtract().

Referenced by addAssumption(), and addParameterBounds().

◆ invalidate()

void Scop::invalidate ( AssumptionKind  Kind,
DebugLoc  Loc,
BasicBlock *  BB = nullptr 

Mark the scop as invalid.

This method adds an assumption to the scop that is always invalid. As a result, the scop will not be optimized later on. This function is commonly called when a condition makes it impossible (or too compile time expensive) to process this scop any further.

KindThe assumption kind describing the underlying cause.
LocThe location in the source that triggered .
BBThe BasicBlock where it was triggered.

Definition at line 2051 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References addAssumption(), polly::AS_ASSUMPTION, isl::set::empty(), getParamSpace(), and POLLY_DEBUG.

Referenced by getOrCreateScopArrayInfo(), and getPwAff().

◆ invalidateScopArrayInfo()

void polly::Scop::invalidateScopArrayInfo ( Value *  BasePtr,
MemoryKind  Kind 

Invalidate ScopArrayInfo object for base address.

BasePtrThe base pointer of the ScopArrayInfo object to invalidate.
KindThe Kind of the ScopArrayInfo object.

Definition at line 2425 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ScopArrayInfoMap, and ScopArrayInfoSet.

◆ invariantEquivClasses()

iterator_range< InvariantEquivClassesTy::iterator > polly::Scop::invariantEquivClasses ( )

Return an iterator range containing invariant accesses.

Definition at line 2032 of file ScopInfo.h.

References InvariantEquivClasses.

◆ isDomainDefined()

bool polly::Scop::isDomainDefined ( BasicBlock *  BB) const

Check if domain is determined for BB.

Definition at line 2523 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DomainMap.

◆ isDominatedBy()

bool Scop::isDominatedBy ( const DominatorTree &  DT,
BasicBlock *  BB 
) const

Return true if and only if BB dominates the SCoP.

Definition at line 1494 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References DT, and getEntry().

◆ isEffectiveAssumption()

bool Scop::isEffectiveAssumption ( isl::set  Set,
AssumptionSign  Sign 

Check if the assumption in Set is trivial or not.

SetThe relations between parameters that are assumed to hold.
SignEnum to indicate if the assumptions in Set are positive (needed/assumptions) or negative (invalid/restrictions).
True if the assumption Set is not trivial.

Definition at line 1932 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::AS_ASSUMPTION, AssumedContext, Context, InvalidContext, isl::set::is_disjoint(), and isl::set::is_subset().

Referenced by trackAssumption().

◆ isEmpty()

bool polly::Scop::isEmpty ( ) const

Return whether this scop is empty, i.e.

contains no statements that could be executed.

Definition at line 2045 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

Referenced by isProfitable().

◆ isEscaping()

bool Scop::isEscaping ( Instruction *  Inst)

Return whether Inst has a use outside of this SCoP.

Definition at line 2478 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References assert, contains(), polly::getUseBlock(), hasSingleExitEdge(), and isExit().

◆ isExit()

bool polly::Scop::isExit ( BasicBlock *  BB) const

Return true if BB is the exit block of the SCoP.

Definition at line 2116 of file ScopInfo.h.

References getExit().

Referenced by isEscaping().

◆ isNonAffineSubRegion()

bool polly::Scop::isNonAffineSubRegion ( const Region *  R)

Return true if and only if R is a non-affine subregion.

Definition at line 2378 of file ScopInfo.h.

References DC, polly::ScopDetection::DetectionContext::NonAffineSubRegionSet, and R.

◆ isOptimized()

bool polly::Scop::isOptimized ( ) const

Check if the SCoP has been optimized by the scheduler.

Definition at line 2144 of file ScopInfo.h.

References IsOptimized.

Referenced by benefitsFromPolly().

◆ isOriginalSchedule()

bool polly::Scop::isOriginalSchedule ( ) const

Whether the schedule is the original schedule as derived from the CFG by ScopBuilder.

Definition at line 2572 of file ScopInfo.h.

References ScheduleModified.

◆ isParam()

bool polly::Scop::isParam ( const SCEV *  Param) const

Return whether given SCEV is used as the parameter in this Scop.

Definition at line 2021 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Parameters.

◆ isProfitable()

bool Scop::isProfitable ( bool  ScalarsAreUnprofitable) const

Return true if this SCoP can be profitably optimized.

ScalarsAreUnprofitableNever consider statements with scalar writes as profitably optimizable.
Whether this SCoP can be profitably optimized.

Definition at line 1852 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isEmpty(), and polly::PollyProcessUnprofitable.

◆ lookupBasePtrAccess()

MemoryAccess * Scop::lookupBasePtrAccess ( MemoryAccess MA)

Return the access for the base ptr of MA if any.

Definition at line 1892 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::MemoryAccess::getOriginalBaseAddr(), getStmtFor(), and polly::Value.

◆ lookupInvariantEquivClass()

InvariantEquivClassTy * Scop::lookupInvariantEquivClass ( Value *  Val)

Return the invariant equivalence class for Val if any.

Definition at line 1721 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References InvariantEquivClasses, InvEquivClassVMap, SE, and polly::Value.

Referenced by polly::MemoryAccess::setNewAccessRelation().

◆ markAsOptimized()

void polly::Scop::markAsOptimized ( )

Mark the SCoP as optimized by the scheduler.

Definition at line 2141 of file ScopInfo.h.

References IsOptimized.

◆ markDisableHeuristics()

void polly::Scop::markDisableHeuristics ( )

Mark this Scop to not apply an optimization heuristic.

Definition at line 2671 of file ScopInfo.h.

References HasDisableHeuristicsHint.

◆ notifyErrorBlock()

void polly::Scop::notifyErrorBlock ( )

Notify SCoP that it contains an error block.

Definition at line 2457 of file ScopInfo.h.

References HasErrorBlock.

◆ operator=()

Scop & polly::Scop::operator= ( const Scop )

◆ parameters()

iterator_range< ParameterSetTy::iterator > polly::Scop::parameters ( ) const

Return an iterator range containing the scop parameters.

Definition at line 2027 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Parameters.

◆ print()

void Scop::print ( raw_ostream &  OS,
bool  PrintInstructions 
) const

Print the static control part.

OSThe output stream the static control part is printed to.
PrintInstructionsWhether to print the statement's instructions as well.

Definition at line 2145 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References getFunction(), getMaxLoopDepth(), getNameStr(), InvariantEquivClasses, printAliasAssumptions(), printArrayInfo(), printContext(), and printStatements().

Referenced by dump().

◆ printAliasAssumptions()

void Scop::printAliasAssumptions ( raw_ostream &  OS) const

Definition at line 2079 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References MinMaxAliasGroups.

Referenced by print().

◆ printArrayInfo()

void Scop::printArrayInfo ( raw_ostream &  OS) const

Definition at line 2129 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::Array, and arrays().

Referenced by print().

◆ printContext()

void Scop::printContext ( raw_ostream &  OS) const

Definition at line 2058 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References AssumedContext, Context, DefinedBehaviorContext, InvalidContext, isl::set::is_null(), and Parameters.

Referenced by print().

◆ printStatements()

void Scop::printStatements ( raw_ostream &  OS,
bool  PrintInstructions 
) const

Definition at line 2118 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::ScopStmt::print().

Referenced by print().

◆ rbegin() [1/2]

reverse_iterator polly::Scop::rbegin ( )

Definition at line 2360 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ rbegin() [2/2]

const_reverse_iterator polly::Scop::rbegin ( ) const

Definition at line 2362 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ realignParams()

void Scop::realignParams ( )

◆ removeAccessData()

void Scop::removeAccessData ( MemoryAccess Access)

◆ removeFromStmtMap()

void Scop::removeFromStmtMap ( ScopStmt Stmt)

◆ removeStmtNotInDomainMap()

void Scop::removeStmtNotInDomainMap ( )

Removes all statements where the entry block of the statement does not have a corresponding domain in the domain map (or it is empty).

Definition at line 1685 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References Domain, DomainMap, polly::ScopStmt::getEntryBlock(), if(), and removeStmts().

◆ removeStmts()

void Scop::removeStmts ( function_ref< bool(ScopStmt &)>  ShouldDelete,
bool  AfterHoisting = true 

Remove statements from the list of scop statements.

ShouldDeleteA function that returns true if the statement passed to it should be deleted.
AfterHoistingIf true, also remove from data access lists. These lists are filled during ScopBuilder::buildAccessRelations. Therefore, if this method is called before buildAccessRelations, false must be passed.

Definition at line 1665 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References removeFromStmtMap(), and Stmts.

Referenced by removeStmtNotInDomainMap(), and simplifySCoP().

◆ rend() [1/2]

reverse_iterator polly::Scop::rend ( )

Definition at line 2361 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ rend() [2/2]

const_reverse_iterator polly::Scop::rend ( ) const

Definition at line 2363 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Stmts.

◆ restrictDomains()

bool Scop::restrictDomains ( isl::union_set  Domain)

◆ setContext()

void Scop::setContext ( isl::set  NewContext)

Set new isl context.

Scop class implement.

Definition at line 1364 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isl::set::align_params(), Context, and isl::set::get_space().

◆ setDomain()

void polly::Scop::setDomain ( BasicBlock *  BB,
isl::set Domain 

Set domain for BB.

Definition at line 2526 of file ScopInfo.h.

References Domain, and DomainMap.

◆ setSchedule()

void Scop::setSchedule ( isl::union_map  NewSchedule)

Update the current schedule.

NewSchedule The new schedule (given as a flat union-map).

Definition at line 2267 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isl::schedule::from_domain(), isl::multi_union_pw_aff::from_union_map(), getDomains(), Schedule, and ScheduleModified.

◆ setScheduleTree()

void Scop::setScheduleTree ( isl::schedule  NewSchedule)

Update the current schedule.

NewSchedule The new schedule (given as schedule tree).

Definition at line 2274 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References Schedule, and ScheduleModified.

◆ simplifyContexts()

void Scop::simplifyContexts ( )

Simplify the assumed and invalid context.

Definition at line 1557 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References isl::set::align_params(), AssumedContext, DefinedBehaviorContext, getParamSpace(), InvalidContext, simplify, and simplifyAssumptionContext().

◆ simplifySCoP()

void Scop::simplifySCoP ( bool  AfterHoisting)

Simplify the SCoP representation.

AfterHoistingWhether it is called after invariant load hoisting. When true, also removes statements without side-effects.

Definition at line 1694 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::hasDebugCall(), polly::ScopStmt::isEmpty(), and removeStmts().

◆ trackAssumption()

bool Scop::trackAssumption ( AssumptionKind  Kind,
isl::set  Set,
DebugLoc  Loc,
AssumptionSign  Sign,
BasicBlock *  BB 

Track and report an assumption.

Use 'clang -Rpass-analysis=polly-scops' or 'opt -pass-remarks-analysis=polly-scops' to output the assumptions.

KindThe assumption kind describing the underlying cause.
SetThe relations between parameters that are assumed to hold.
LocThe location in the source that caused this assumption.
SignEnum to indicate if the assumptions in Set are positive (needed/assumptions) or negative (invalid/restrictions).
BBThe block in which this assumption was taken. Used to calculate hotness when emitting remark.
True if the assumption is not trivial.

Definition at line 1949 of file ScopInfo.cpp.

References polly::ALIASING, polly::AS_ASSUMPTION, polly::AS_RESTRICTION, polly::COMPLEXITY, DEBUG_TYPE, polly::DELINEARIZATION, polly::ERRORBLOCK, isl::set::get_space(), polly::INBOUNDS, polly::INFINITELOOP, polly::INVARIANTLOAD, isl::set::is_empty(), isl::set::is_equal(), isEffectiveAssumption(), ORE, PollyRemarksMinimal(), polly::PROFITABLE, R, toString(), isl::set::universe(), polly::UNSIGNED, and polly::WRAPPING.

Referenced by addAssumption().

◆ updateMaxLoopDepth()

void polly::Scop::updateMaxLoopDepth ( unsigned  Depth)

Update maximal loop depth.

If Depth is smaller than current value, then maximal loop depth is not updated.

Definition at line 2438 of file ScopInfo.h.

References MaxLoopDepth.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ScopBuilder

friend class ScopBuilder

Definition at line 1647 of file ScopInfo.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AccessFunctions

AccFuncVector polly::Scop::AccessFunctions

Definition at line 1672 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by access_functions(), and addAccessFunction().

◆ Affinator

SCEVAffinator polly::Scop::Affinator

The affinator used to translate SCEVs to isl expressions.

Definition at line 1720 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getLI(), getPwAff(), and hasNSWAddRecForLoop().

◆ ArrayIdx

long polly::Scop::ArrayIdx = 0

The smallest array index not yet assigned.

Definition at line 1844 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getNextArrayIdx().

◆ AssumedContext

isl::set polly::Scop::AssumedContext

The assumptions under which this scop was built.

When constructing a scop sometimes the exact representation of a statement or condition would be very complex, but there is a common case which is a lot simpler, but which is only valid under certain assumptions. The assumed context records the assumptions taken during the construction of this scop and that need to be code generated as a run-time test.

Definition at line 1752 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAssumption(), buildContext(), getAssumedContext(), getAssumedContextStr(), getBestKnownDefinedBehaviorContext(), isEffectiveAssumption(), printContext(), realignParams(), and simplifyContexts().

◆ Context

isl::set polly::Scop::Context

◆ CopyStmtsNum

unsigned polly::Scop::CopyStmtsNum = 0

Number of copy statements.

Definition at line 1687 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addScopStmt(), and getCopyStmtsNum().

◆ DC

ScopDetection::DetectionContext& polly::Scop::DC

The context of the SCoP created during SCoP detection.

Definition at line 1701 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addRequiredInvariantLoad(), getBoxedLoops(), getInsnToMemAccMap(), getRequiredInvariantLoads(), and isNonAffineSubRegion().

◆ DefinedBehaviorContext

isl::set polly::Scop::DefinedBehaviorContext

The context under which the SCoP must have defined behavior.

Optimizer and code generator can assume that the SCoP will only be executed with parameter values within this context. This might be either because we can prove that other values are impossible or explicitly have undefined behavior, such as due to no-wrap flags. If this becomes too complex, can also be nullptr.

In contrast to Scop::AssumedContext and Scop::InvalidContext, these do not need to be checked at runtime.

Scop::Context on the other side is an overapproximation and does not include all requirements, but is always defined. However, there is still no guarantee that there is no undefined behavior in DefinedBehaviorContext.

Definition at line 1776 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by buildContext(), getBestKnownDefinedBehaviorContext(), getDefinedBehaviorContext(), intersectDefinedBehavior(), printContext(), and simplifyContexts().

◆ DomainMap

DenseMap<BasicBlock *, isl::set> polly::Scop::DomainMap

A map from basic blocks to their domains.

Definition at line 1714 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getDomainConditions(), getOrInitEmptyDomain(), isDomainDefined(), removeStmtNotInDomainMap(), and setDomain().

◆ DT

DominatorTree* polly::Scop::DT

Definition at line 1661 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getDT(), and isDominatedBy().

◆ HasDisableHeuristicsHint

bool polly::Scop::HasDisableHeuristicsHint = false

Is this Scop marked as not to be transformed by an optimization heuristic?

Definition at line 1815 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by hasDisableHeuristicsHint(), and markDisableHeuristics().

◆ HasErrorBlock

bool polly::Scop::HasErrorBlock = false

Flag to remember if the SCoP contained an error block or not.

Definition at line 1681 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by hasErrorBlock(), and notifyErrorBlock().

◆ HasSingleExitEdge

bool polly::Scop::HasSingleExitEdge

True if the underlying region has a single exiting block.

Definition at line 1678 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by hasSingleExitEdge().

◆ ID

const int polly::Scop::ID

A number that uniquely represents a Scop within its function.

Definition at line 1850 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getID().

◆ InstStmtMap

DenseMap<Instruction *, ScopStmt *> polly::Scop::InstStmtMap

A map from instructions to SCoP statements.

Definition at line 1711 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addScopStmt(), getStmtFor(), and removeFromStmtMap().

◆ InvalidContext

isl::set polly::Scop::InvalidContext

The restrictions under which this SCoP was built.

The invalid context is similar to the assumed context as it contains constraints over the parameters. However, while we need the constraints in the assumed context to be "true" the constraints in the invalid context need to be "false". Otherwise they behave the same.

Definition at line 1760 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAssumption(), buildContext(), getBestKnownDefinedBehaviorContext(), getInvalidContext(), getInvalidContextStr(), hasTrivialInvalidContext(), isEffectiveAssumption(), printContext(), realignParams(), and simplifyContexts().

◆ InvariantEquivClasses

InvariantEquivClassesTy polly::Scop::InvariantEquivClasses

◆ InvEquivClassVMap

ValueToValueMap polly::Scop::InvEquivClassVMap

Mapping from invariant loads to the representing invariant load of their equivalence class.

Definition at line 1838 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addInvariantLoadMapping(), getRepresentingInvariantLoadSCEV(), and lookupInvariantEquivClass().

◆ IslCtx

std::shared_ptr<isl_ctx> polly::Scop::IslCtx

Isl context.

We need a shared_ptr with reference counter to delete the context when all isl objects are deleted. We will distribute the shared_ptr to all objects that use the context to create isl objects, and increase the reference counter. By doing this, we guarantee that the context is deleted when we delete the last object that creates isl objects with the context. This declaration needs to be the first in class to gracefully destroy all isl objects before the context.

Definition at line 1658 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getIslCtx(), getSharedIslCtx(), and Scop().

◆ IsOptimized

bool polly::Scop::IsOptimized = false

Flag to indicate that the scheduler actually optimized the SCoP.

Definition at line 1675 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by isOptimized(), and markAsOptimized().

◆ MaxLoopDepth

unsigned polly::Scop::MaxLoopDepth = 0

Max loop depth.

Definition at line 1684 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getMaxLoopDepth(), and updateMaxLoopDepth().

◆ MinMaxAliasGroups

MinMaxVectorPairVectorTy polly::Scop::MinMaxAliasGroups

The set of minimal/maximal accesses for each alias group.

When building runtime alias checks we look at all memory instructions and build so called alias groups. Each group contains a set of accesses to different base arrays which might alias with each other. However, between alias groups there is no aliasing possible.

In a program with int and float pointers annotated with tbaa information we would probably generate two alias groups, one for the int pointers and one for the float pointers.

During code generation we will create a runtime alias check for each alias group to ensure the SCoP is executed in an alias free environment.

Definition at line 1834 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAliasGroup(), getAliasGroups(), and printAliasAssumptions().

◆ name

std::optional<std::string> polly::Scop::name

The name of the SCoP (identical to the regions name)

Definition at line 1667 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getName().


OptimizationRemarkEmitter& polly::Scop::ORE

OptimizationRemarkEmitter object for displaying diagnostic remarks.

Definition at line 1704 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by trackAssumption().

◆ ParameterIds

DenseMap<const SCEV *, isl::id> polly::Scop::ParameterIds

Mapping from parameters to their ids.

Definition at line 1698 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by createParameterId(), getFullParamSpace(), and getIdForParam().

◆ Parameters

ParameterSetTy polly::Scop::Parameters

◆ PHIIncomingAccs

DenseMap<const ScopArrayInfo *, SmallVector<MemoryAccess *, 4> > polly::Scop::PHIIncomingAccs

List of all incoming values (write MemoryAccess) of a MemoryKind::PHI or MemoryKind::ExitPHI scalar.

Definition at line 1867 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAccessData(), getPHIIncomings(), and removeAccessData().

◆ PHIReadAccs

DenseMap<PHINode *, MemoryAccess *> polly::Scop::PHIReadAccs

Map of values to the MemoryAccess that reads a PHI.

Definition at line 1858 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAccessFunction(), getPHIRead(), and removeAccessData().

◆ R

Region& polly::Scop::R

◆ Schedule

isl::schedule polly::Scop::Schedule

The schedule of the SCoP.

The schedule of the SCoP describes the execution order of the statements in the scop by assigning each statement instance a possibly multi-dimensional execution time. The schedule is stored as a tree of schedule nodes.

The most common nodes in a schedule tree are so-called band nodes. Band nodes map statement instances into a multi dimensional schedule space. This space can be seen as a multi-dimensional clock.


<S,(5,4)> may be mapped to (5,4) by this schedule:

s0 = i (Year of execution) s1 = j (Day of execution)

or to (9, 20) by this schedule:

s0 = i + j (Year of execution) s1 = 20 (Day of execution)

The order statement instances are executed is defined by the schedule vectors they are mapped to. A statement instance <A, (i, j, ..)> is executed before a statement instance <B, (i', ..)>, if the schedule vector of A is lexicographic smaller than the schedule vector of B.

Besides band nodes, schedule trees contain additional nodes that specify a textual ordering between two subtrees or filter nodes that filter the set of statement instances that will be scheduled in a subtree. There are also several other nodes. A full description of the different nodes in a schedule tree is given in the isl manual.

Definition at line 1812 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getScheduleTree(), realignParams(), setSchedule(), and setScheduleTree().

◆ ScheduleModified

bool polly::Scop::ScheduleModified = false

Whether the schedule has been modified after derived from the CFG by ScopBuilder.

Definition at line 1819 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by isOriginalSchedule(), setSchedule(), and setScheduleTree().

◆ ScopArrayInfoMap

ArrayInfoMapTy polly::Scop::ScopArrayInfoMap

A map to remember ScopArrayInfo objects for all base pointers.

As PHI nodes may have two array info objects associated, we add a flag that distinguishes between the PHI node specific ArrayInfo object and the normal one.

Definition at line 1735 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getOrCreateScopArrayInfo(), getScopArrayInfoOrNull(), and invalidateScopArrayInfo().

◆ ScopArrayInfoSet

ArrayInfoSetTy polly::Scop::ScopArrayInfoSet

A set to remember ScopArrayInfo objects.

See also

Definition at line 1743 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by array_begin(), array_end(), getOrCreateScopArrayInfo(), and invalidateScopArrayInfo().

◆ ScopArrayNameMap

ArrayNameMapTy polly::Scop::ScopArrayNameMap

A map to remember ScopArrayInfo objects for all names of memory references.

Definition at line 1739 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getOrCreateScopArrayInfo().

◆ SE

ScalarEvolution* polly::Scop::SE

◆ StmtIdx

long polly::Scop::StmtIdx = 0

The smallest statement index not yet assigned.

Definition at line 1847 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by getNextStmtIdx().

◆ StmtMap

DenseMap<BasicBlock *, std::vector<ScopStmt *> > polly::Scop::StmtMap

A map from basic blocks to vector of SCoP statements.

Currently this vector comprises only of a single statement.

Definition at line 1708 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addScopStmt(), getStmtListFor(), and removeFromStmtMap().

◆ Stmts

StmtSet polly::Scop::Stmts

The statements in this Scop.

Definition at line 1692 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addScopStmt(), begin(), end(), getSize(), hasFeasibleRuntimeContext(), isEmpty(), rbegin(), removeStmts(), and rend().

◆ ValueDefAccs

DenseMap<Value *, MemoryAccess *> polly::Scop::ValueDefAccs

Map of values to the MemoryAccess that writes its definition.

There must be at most one definition per llvm::Instruction in a SCoP.

Definition at line 1855 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAccessFunction(), getValueDef(), and removeAccessData().

◆ ValueUseAccs

DenseMap<const ScopArrayInfo *, SmallVector<MemoryAccess *, 4> > polly::Scop::ValueUseAccs

List of all uses (i.e.

read MemoryAccesses) for a MemoryKind::Value scalar.

Definition at line 1862 of file ScopInfo.h.

Referenced by addAccessData(), getValueUses(), and removeAccessData().

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