►Nfalse | |
CSimplifyPrinterLegacyPass | Print result from SimplifyWrapperPass |
►Nisl | These are automatically generated checked C++ bindings for isl |
►Nnoexceptions | |
Cisl_iterator | |
Caff | |
Caff_list | |
►Cast_build | |
Cat_each_domain_data | |
Cast_expr | |
Cast_expr_id | |
Cast_expr_int | |
Cast_expr_op | |
Cast_expr_op_access | |
Cast_expr_op_add | |
Cast_expr_op_address_of | |
Cast_expr_op_and | |
Cast_expr_op_and_then | |
Cast_expr_op_call | |
Cast_expr_op_cond | |
Cast_expr_op_div | |
Cast_expr_op_eq | |
Cast_expr_op_fdiv_q | |
Cast_expr_op_ge | |
Cast_expr_op_gt | |
Cast_expr_op_le | |
Cast_expr_op_lt | |
Cast_expr_op_max | |
Cast_expr_op_member | |
Cast_expr_op_min | |
Cast_expr_op_minus | |
Cast_expr_op_mul | |
Cast_expr_op_or | |
Cast_expr_op_or_else | |
Cast_expr_op_pdiv_q | |
Cast_expr_op_pdiv_r | |
Cast_expr_op_select | |
Cast_expr_op_sub | |
Cast_expr_op_zdiv_r | |
Cast_node | |
Cast_node_block | |
Cast_node_for | |
Cast_node_if | |
Cast_node_list | |
Cast_node_mark | |
Cast_node_user | |
Cbasic_map | |
Cbasic_map_list | |
Cbasic_set | |
Cbasic_set_list | |
Cboolean | |
Cchecker | |
Cconstraint | |
Cctx | |
Cfixed_box | |
Cid | |
Cid_list | |
Cid_to_ast_expr | |
Cisl_iterator | |
Clocal_space | |
Cmap | |
Cmap_list | |
Cmulti_aff | |
Cmulti_id | |
Cmulti_pw_aff | |
Cmulti_union_pw_aff | |
Cmulti_val | |
Cpoint | |
Cpw_aff | |
Cpw_aff_list | |
Cpw_multi_aff | |
Cpw_multi_aff_list | |
Cschedule | |
Cschedule_constraints | |
Cschedule_node | |
Cschedule_node_band | |
Cschedule_node_context | |
Cschedule_node_domain | |
Cschedule_node_expansion | |
Cschedule_node_extension | |
Cschedule_node_filter | |
Cschedule_node_guard | |
Cschedule_node_leaf | |
Cschedule_node_mark | |
Cschedule_node_sequence | |
Cschedule_node_set | |
Cset | |
Cset_list | |
Csize | |
Cspace | |
Cstat | |
Cunion_access_info | |
Cunion_flow | |
Cunion_map | |
Cunion_pw_aff | |
Cunion_pw_aff_list | |
Cunion_pw_multi_aff | |
Cunion_set | |
Cunion_set_list | |
Cval | |
Cval_list | |
►Nllvm | This file contains the declaration of the PolyhedralInfo class, which will provide an interface to expose polyhedral analysis information of Polly |
►NInnerAnalysisManagerProxy | |
CResult | |
CDenseMapInfo< polly::VirtualInstruction > | Support VirtualInstructions in llvm::DenseMaps |
CDOTGraphTraits< polly::ScopDetection * > | |
CGraphTraits< polly::ScopDetection * > | |
CPointerLikeTypeTraits< isl_id * > | |
CRequireAnalysisPass< AnalysisT, Scop, ScopAnalysisManager, ScopStandardAnalysisResults &, SPMUpdater & > | |
Csimplify_type< polly::MemAccInst > | Specialize simplify_type for MemAccInst to enable dyn_cast and cast from a MemAccInst object |
►Npolly | |
CArrayShape | |
CAssumption | Helper struct to remember assumptions |
CAstBuildUserInfo | Temporary information used when building the ast |
CBandAttr | Represent the attributes of a loop |
CBlockGenerator | Generate a new basic block for a polyhedral statement |
CCodeGenerationPass | |
CCodePreparationPass | |
CDeadCodeElimPass | |
CDeLICMPass | |
CDeLICMPrinterPass | |
►CDependenceAnalysis | |
CResult | |
CDependenceInfo | |
CDependenceInfoPrinterPass | |
CDependenceInfoWrapperPass | Construct a new DependenceInfoWrapper pass |
CDependences | The accumulated dependence information for a SCoP |
CDumpFunctionPass | A pass that isolates a function into a new Module and writes it into a file |
CDumpModulePass | A pass that prints the module into a file |
CForwardOpTreePass | |
CForwardOpTreePrinterPass | |
CFunctionToScopPassAdaptor | |
CInvariantAccess | Helper structure for invariant memory accesses |
CInvariantEquivClassTy | Type for equivalent invariant accesses and their domain context |
CIRInserter | Add Polly specifics when running IRBuilder |
CIslAst | |
CIslAstAnalysis | |
►CIslAstInfo | |
CIslAstUserPayload | Payload information used to annotate an AST node |
CIslAstInfoWrapperPass | |
CIslAstPrinterPass | |
CIslExprBuilder | LLVM-IR generator for isl_ast_expr[essions] |
CIslMaxOperationsGuard | Scoped limit of ISL operations |
CIslNodeBuilder | |
CIslQuotaScope | Scope guard for code that allows arbitrary isl function to return an error if the max-operations quota exceeds |
CIslScheduleOptimizerPass | |
CIslScheduleOptimizerPrinterPass | |
CJSONExportPass | This pass exports a scop to a jscop file |
CJSONImportPass | This pass imports a scop from a jscop file |
CMaximalStaticExpansionPass | |
CMaximalStaticExpansionPrinterPass | |
CMemAcc | |
CMemAccInst | Utility proxy to wrap the common members of LoadInst and StoreInst |
CMemoryAccess | Represent memory accesses in statements |
COwningInnerAnalysisManagerProxy | |
CParallelLoopGenerator | The ParallelLoopGenerator allows to create parallelized loops |
CParallelLoopGeneratorGOMP | This ParallelLoopGenerator subclass handles the generation of parallelized code, utilizing the GNU OpenMP library |
CParallelLoopGeneratorKMP | This ParallelLoopGenerator subclass handles the generation of parallelized code, utilizing the LLVM OpenMP library |
CPerfMonitor | |
CPolyhedralInfo | |
CPruneUnprofitablePass | |
CRecursiveScheduleTreeVisitor | Recursively visit all nodes of a schedule tree |
CRegionGenerator | Generator for new versions of polyhedral region statements |
CRejectLog | Stores all errors that occurred during the detection |
CRejectReason | Base class of all reject reasons found during Scop detection |
CReportAffFunc | Base class for non-affine reject reasons |
CReportAlias | Captures errors with aliasing |
CReportAlloca | Captures errors with alloca instructions |
CReportCFG | Base class for CFG related reject reasons |
CReportDifferentArrayElementSize | Report array accesses with differing element size |
CReportEntry | Captures errors with regions containing the function entry block |
CReportFuncCall | Captures errors with non-side-effect-known function calls |
CReportIndirectPredecessor | Captures regions with an IndirectBr predecessor |
CReportIntToPtr | Captures errors with bad IntToPtr instructions |
CReportInvalidCond | Captures an invalid condition |
CReportInvalidTerminator | Captures bad terminator within a Scop candidate |
CReportIrreducibleRegion | Captures irreducible regions in CFG |
CReportLoopBound | Captures errors with non affine loop bounds |
CReportLoopHasMultipleExits | Captures errors when a loop has multiple exists |
CReportLoopHasNoExit | Captures errors when loop has no exit |
CReportLoopOnlySomeLatches | Captures errors when not all loop latches are part of the scop |
CReportNoBasePtr | Captures a missing base pointer |
CReportNonAffBranch | Captures a non-affine branch |
CReportNonAffineAccess | Captures a non-affine access function |
CReportNonSimpleMemoryAccess | Captures errors with non-simple memory accesses |
CReportOther | Base class for otherwise ungrouped reject reasons |
CReportUndefBasePtr | Captures an undefined base pointer |
CReportUndefCond | Captures a condition that is based on an 'undef' value |
CReportUndefOperand | Captures an undefined operand |
CReportUnknownInst | Captures errors with unknown instructions |
CReportUnprofitable | Report regions that seem not profitable to be optimized |
CReportUnreachableInExit | Captures regions with an unreachable in the exit block |
CReportVariantBasePtr | Captures a base pointer that is not invariant in the region |
CRuntimeDebugBuilder | Insert function calls that print certain LLVM values at run time |
CSCEVAffinator | Translate a SCEV to an isl::pw_aff and the domain on which it is invalid |
CScheduleNodeRewriter | Recursively visit all nodes of a schedule tree while allowing changes |
CScheduleTreeVisitor | This class defines a simple visitor class that may be used for various schedule tree analysis purposes |
►CScop | Static Control Part |
CScopStatistics | |
CScopAnalysis | |
CScopAnalysisPrinterPass | |
CScopAnnotator | Helper class to annotate newly generated SCoPs with metadata |
CScopArrayInfo | A class to store information about arrays in the SCoP |
CScopBuilder | Build the Polly IR (Scop and ScopStmt) on a Region |
►CScopDetection | Pass to detect the maximal static control parts (Scops) of a function |
CDetectionContext | Context variables for SCoP detection |
CLoopStats | Helper data structure to collect statistics about loop counts |
CScopDetectionWrapperPass | |
CScopInfo | |
CScopInfoAnalysis | |
CScopInfoPrinterPass | |
CScopInfoRegionPass | The legacy pass manager's analysis pass to compute scop information for a region |
CScopInfoWrapperPass | The legacy pass manager's analysis pass to compute scop information for the whole function |
CScopOnlyPrinter | |
CScopOnlyViewer | |
CScopPass | ScopPass - This class adapts the RegionPass interface to allow convenient creation of passes that operate on the Polly IR |
CScopPrinter | |
CScopStandardAnalysisResults | |
CScopStmt | Statement of the Scop |
CScopViewer | |
CSimplifyPass | |
CSimplifyPrinterPass | |
CSPMUpdater | |
CSubtreeReferences | |
CVirtualInstruction | This class represents a "virtual instruction", an instruction in a ScopStmt, effectively a ScopStmt/Instruction-pair |
CVirtualOperandIterator | An iterator for virtual operands |
CVirtualUse | Determine the nature of a value's use within a statement |
CZoneAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms based on zones, like DeLICM |
Caccess_sort_info | |
CASTConsumer | |
Cbernstein_data | |
Cbinary | |
Cbound_options | |
Ccalcop_t | |
Ccat_options | |
Cchecked_cpp_type_printer | |
CConversionMethod | |
Ccpp_conversion_generator | |
►Ccpp_generator | |
Cclass_printer | |
Ccpp_type_printer | |
Ccstate_t | |
CDOTGraphTraits | |
CDOTGraphTraitsPrinterWrapperPass | |
CDOTGraphTraitsViewerWrapperPass | |
CEnumMethod | |
CFixed | |
Cfunction_name_less | |
Cgenerator | |
CGraphTraits | |
Cineq_cmp_data | |
Cisl_access_info | |
Cisl_add_all_constraints_data | |
Cisl_add_nodes_data | |
Cisl_aff | |
Cisl_aff_split | |
Cisl_any_scheduled_after_data | |
Cisl_apply_fold_data | |
Cisl_arg | |
Cisl_arg_choice | |
Cisl_arg_flags | |
Cisl_args | |
Cisl_ast_add_term_data | |
Cisl_ast_add_terms_data | |
Cisl_ast_build | |
Cisl_ast_coefficients_of_sign_data | |
Cisl_ast_count_constraints_data | |
Cisl_ast_expr | |
Cisl_ast_expr_op_names | |
Cisl_ast_expr_op_printed | |
Cisl_ast_extract_rational_data | |
Cisl_ast_generate_parallel_domains_data | |
Cisl_ast_graft | |
Cisl_ast_node | |
Cisl_ast_node_postorder_data | |
Cisl_ast_node_preorder_data | |
Cisl_ast_print_options | |
Cisl_ast_unroll_data | |
Cisl_ast_unroll_tree_data | |
Cisl_basic_map | |
Cisl_bin_op_control | |
Cisl_bind_id_data | |
Cisl_blk | |
Cisl_bound | |
Cisl_carry | |
Cisl_cell | |
Cisl_chamber | |
Cisl_chamber_list | |
Cisl_check_scaled_data | |
Cisl_class | |
Cisl_clustering | |
Cisl_coalesce_info | |
Cisl_codegen_domains | |
Cisl_coefficients_factor_data | |
Cisl_coefficients_product_data | |
Cisl_collect_bounds_data | |
Cisl_compute_flow_data | |
Cisl_compute_flow_schedule_data | |
Cisl_constraint | |
Cisl_constraint_equal_info | |
Cisl_constraint_index | |
Cisl_context | |
Cisl_context_gbr | |
Cisl_context_lex | |
Cisl_context_op | |
Cisl_copy_edge_data | |
Cisl_counter | |
Cisl_ctx | |
Cisl_detect_stride_data | |
Cisl_diff_collector | |
Cisl_dim_map | |
Cisl_dim_map_entry | |
Cisl_div_sort_info | |
Cisl_edge_src | |
Cisl_expanded | |
Cisl_exploit_lineality_data | |
Cisl_external_vertex | |
Cisl_extract_dst_data | |
Cisl_extract_edge_data | |
Cisl_extract_mod_data | |
Cisl_facet_todo | |
Cisl_factor_groups | |
Cisl_factored_sample_data | |
Cisl_factorizer | |
Cisl_find_unroll_data | |
Cisl_fixed_box | |
Cisl_fixed_dim_data | |
Cisl_fixed_map | |
Cisl_fixed_sign_data | |
Cisl_flow | |
Cisl_fold_dims_data | |
Cisl_fold_move_dims_data | |
Cisl_fold_set_dim_name_data | |
Cisl_fold_substitute | |
Cisl_forall_data | |
Cisl_forall_user_data | |
Cisl_foreach_point | |
Cisl_foreach_reachable_data | |
Cisl_from_pw_aff_data | |
Cisl_from_pw_aff_piece | |
Cisl_gbr_tab_undo | |
Cisl_generate_code_data | |
Cisl_generate_domain_data | |
Cisl_hash_table | |
Cisl_hash_table_entry | |
Cisl_id | |
Cisl_if_node | |
Cisl_insert_if_data | |
Cisl_intersect_factor_control | |
Cisl_is_empty_diff_collector | |
Cisl_keyword | |
Cisl_labeled_map | |
Cisl_lexmin_data | |
Cisl_local_region | |
Cisl_local_space | |
Cisl_map | |
Cisl_mark_merge_sccs_data | |
Cisl_mat | |
Cisl_merge_src_dst_data | |
Cisl_morph | |
Cisl_multiplicative_call_data_pw_qpolynomial | |
Cisl_name_and_user | |
Cisl_node_gist_data | |
Cisl_not_data | |
Cisl_obj | |
Cisl_obj_vtable | |
Cisl_opt_data | |
Cisl_options | |
Cisl_partial_sol | |
Cisl_point | |
Cisl_poly | |
Cisl_poly_cst | |
Cisl_poly_rec | |
Cisl_prefixes | |
Cisl_print_space_data | |
Cisl_printer | |
Cisl_printer_ops | |
Cisl_pw_aff | |
Cisl_pw_aff_opt_data | |
Cisl_pw_aff_piece | |
Cisl_pw_multi_aff | |
Cisl_pw_multi_aff_piece | |
Cisl_pw_qpolynomial | |
Cisl_pw_qpolynomial_fold | |
Cisl_pw_qpolynomial_fold_piece | |
Cisl_pw_qpolynomial_piece | |
Cisl_qpolynomial | |
Cisl_qpolynomial_fold | |
Cisl_reordering | |
Cisl_restriction | |
Cisl_scan_callback | |
Cisl_scan_pip | |
Cisl_scc_graph | |
Cisl_sched_count | |
Cisl_sched_edge | |
Cisl_sched_graph | |
Cisl_sched_info | |
Cisl_sched_node | |
Cisl_schedule | |
Cisl_schedule_band | |
Cisl_schedule_constraints | |
Cisl_schedule_expand_data | |
Cisl_schedule_group_data | |
Cisl_schedule_node | |
Cisl_schedule_node_get_filter_prefix_data | |
Cisl_schedule_node_postorder_data | |
Cisl_schedule_node_preorder_data | |
Cisl_schedule_tree | |
Cisl_scheduled_access | |
Cisl_separate_domain_data | |
Cisl_set_map_pair | |
Cisl_sioimath_scratchspace_t | |
Cisl_size_info | |
Cisl_sol | |
Cisl_sol_callback | |
Cisl_sol_map | |
Cisl_sol_pma | |
Cisl_space | |
Cisl_split_on_guard_data | |
Cisl_split_periods_data | |
Cisl_stats | |
Cisl_stream | |
Cisl_stride_info | |
Cisl_subtract_diff_collector | |
Cisl_subtree_contraction_data | |
Cisl_subtree_expansion_data | |
Cisl_tab | |
Cisl_tab_callback | |
Cisl_tab_lexmin | |
Cisl_tab_undo | |
Cisl_tab_undo_val | |
Cisl_tab_var | |
Cisl_tarjan_graph | |
Cisl_tarjan_node | |
Cisl_tc_follows_data | |
Cisl_term | |
Cisl_test_codegen_data | |
Cisl_test_set_from_map_data | |
Cisl_to_poly_data | |
Cisl_token | |
Cisl_trivial_region | |
Cisl_un_op_control | |
Cisl_un_op_drop_user_data | |
Cisl_union_access_info | |
Cisl_union_align | |
Cisl_union_bound_data | |
Cisl_union_flow | |
Cisl_union_map | |
Cisl_union_map_bin_data | |
Cisl_union_map_every_data | |
Cisl_union_map_foreach_data | |
Cisl_union_map_gen_bin_data | |
Cisl_union_map_gen_bin_set_data | |
Cisl_union_map_involves_dims_data | |
Cisl_union_map_is_disjoint_data | |
Cisl_union_map_is_subset_data | |
Cisl_union_map_is_sv_data | |
Cisl_union_map_match_bin_data | |
Cisl_union_map_preimage_data | |
Cisl_union_map_preimage_mpa_data | |
Cisl_union_map_preimage_upma_data | |
Cisl_union_map_project_out_data | |
Cisl_union_map_remove_map_if_data | |
Cisl_union_map_reset_params_data | |
Cisl_union_map_reset_range_space_data | |
Cisl_union_map_un_data | |
Cisl_union_order_at_data | |
Cisl_union_power | |
Cisl_union_print_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_aff_opt_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_aff_pullback_upma_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_aff_pw_aff_on_domain_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_aff_reset_params_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_aff_val_on_domain_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_multi_aff_bin_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_multi_aff_get_union_pw_aff_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_multi_aff_multi_val_on_domain_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_multi_aff_reset_range_space_data | |
Cisl_union_pw_multi_aff_un_op_control | |
Cisl_union_set_foreach_point_data | |
Cisl_val | |
Cisl_vec | |
Cisl_vertex | |
Cisl_vertex_list | |
Cisl_vertices | |
Cisl_vertices_test_data | |
Cisl_wraps | |
CKind | |
Clarger_infix | |
Cmax_constraint | |
►CMethod | |
Clist_combiner | |
Cmpq_t | |
Cmpz_t | |
Cmust_may | |
CMyASTConsumer | |
CNoCopyMethod | |
Coptions | |
CPair | |
►Cplain_cpp_generator | |
Cdecl_printer | |
Cimpl_printer | |
Cplain_printer | |
Cplain_cpp_type_printer | |
CProperTupleKind | |
Cpython_generator | |
Crange_data | |
Crsa_key | |
CS | |
Cscan_samples | |
CSCEVFindLoops | Find all loops referenced in SCEVAddRecExprs |
CSCEVFindValues | Find all values referenced in SCEVUnknowns |
CSCEVInRegionDependences | Check whether a SCEV refers to an SSA name defined inside a region |
CSCEVValidator | Check if a SCEV is valid in a SCoP |
CSCEVVisitor | |
CScopDetectionAnalysisGraphTraits | |
CScopExpander | ScopExpander generates IR the the value of a SCEV that represents a value from a SCoP |
CScopOnlyPrinterWrapperPass | |
CScopOnlyViewerWrapperPass | |
CScopPrinterWrapperPass | |
CScopViewerWrapperPass | |
Cset_enum | |
CsetLangDefaultsArg4 | |
Csh_data | |
Csh_data_entry | |
CSignature | |
Cspecialization | |
Cspecialization_printer | |
Ctab_lp | |
Ctemplate_class | |
Ctemplate_cpp_arg_type_printer | |
►Ctemplate_cpp_generator | |
Cclass_decl_printer | |
Cclass_impl_printer | |
Cclass_printer | |
Cmethod_decl_printer | |
Cmethod_impl_printer | |
Ctemplate_cpp_kind_type_printer | |
Ctemplate_cpp_type_printer | |
Ctemplate_method_type_printer | |
Cternary | |
Ctest_ineq_data | |
Ctest_t | |
Ctestspec_t | |
CTupleKind | |
CTupleKindPtr | |
Cunary | |
CValidatorResult | The result the validator returns for a SCEV expression |
Cvariable | |
Cvars | |
Cverify_point_bound | |